
Setting up a PPPoE connection on Windows 2000


Setting up a PPPoE connection on Windows 2000

1.Download RASPPPoE Software:

2. Unzip the zipped RASPPPoE folder to a temp directory of your choice.
     for eg: c:\raspppoe

3.Click "Start" then "Settings" then "Control Panel", then browse to "Network and Dial-Up Connections

4.Right-click "Local Area Connection" and select "Properties".

5.In the properties dialogue box, click the "Install" button.

6.In the "Select Network Component Type" window, select "Protocol" and click the "Add" button.

7. Select "Have Disk". Select "Browse" Then choose the folder you unpacked the RASPPPoE programs to. Then select any one of the INF files, it does not matter which one.
8. Click "OK"..

9.Then "OK" again.

10. In the "Select Network Protocol" window make sure "PPP over Ethernet Protocol" is highlighted and click "OK"

11. Click "OK" on "Network" window.

12. Click "Yes" to Reboot.
13. Delete the temp folder you unpacked RASPPPoE in to at the start.
14 Go to your "Start" menu, and then choose "Run". Type in RASPPPoE and click "OK"

Note: If you get an error message then follow the Windows prompts.

15. "RASPPPoE" window opens, if you have more then one Ethernet card make sure the card connected to your modem is selected.

16. Choose "Create a Dial-Up Connection for the selected Adapter". Screen shot

17. Click Exit.

Note: If you do not see a Dial-Up short cut on your desk top then open "My Computer", then "Dial-Up Network", then delete the new Dial-Up Adapter (should be named "Connection through..."). Then start back at step 15.

18. Double click the Dial-Up short cut on your desktop.

19. Enter your userid as provided by your ISP.

20. Enter your password as provided by your ISP.

21. Click "Save Password"

22. Click "Dial".


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